Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Lawrence County Health Department (LCHD) response to COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 is now among us, with cases in nearly all of Ohio’s Counties. Here are some key strategies Lawrence County Health Department is doing to help prevent spread of COVID-19 in our community:
Contact Tracing – reaching out to those who have been exposed to positive COVID-19 cases to properly quarantine and monitor for symptoms.
Quarantine and Isolation of those who come in close contact with COVID-19 positive individuals and isolating those that are confirmed positive.
Partnerships– Working with community partners to build resource capacity in our community for housing, income, and hunger. Working with our local healthcare systems and first responders to address COVID-19 related issues in the community.
Monitoring– analysis of local COVID-19 case data, trends, and forecasts to prepare and respond to surges in COVID-19 cases locally.
Emergency Planning– working with the Lawrence County Emergency Operations Center to establish a unified system of communication to allocate resources and staff to emerging situations. Focuses on PPE Distribution to first responders and health care services along with other resource allocation.
Vulnerable Populations – focusing community efforts and public health strategies locally to provide needed resources to vulnerable populations like the homeless, elderly, and those will underlying health issues.
Public Health Orders : Educating operations, schools, businesses and other entities on how to implement public health orders. Fielding complaints related to non-compliant operations. Investigating COVID-19 complaints and enforcement of public health orders for non-compliant operations.
Recommended Actions to fight COVID-19:
Do not attend large gatherings or meetings. Utilize virtual or web-based meetings or communication for work, school, religious or social.
Stay home when possible. Stay home if sick.
Self quarantine and isolate if you have been exposed to someone sick with COVID-19, if you have symptoms of COVID-19, or if you have travelled to locations abroad or locally that have COVID-19 cases.
Work from home if possible.
Those who are 65+ years or older or have underlying health conditions to stay home and avoid large gatherings of people.
Practice physical distancing – maintain 6 ft distance from others.
Wear a face covering or mask when in the public as required by Ohio Public Health Orders.
Follow all Public Health Orders issued by Governor Dewine and Ohio Department of Health related to COVID-19, stay at home orders, and social distancing.
Preventing Coronavirus
Practice social distancing, avoid crowds or becoming in close proximity to others.
Wear a face covering or mask when in the public to help prevent spread of COVID-19. This helps prevent spread of COVID-19 from those who may not know they are transmitting the virus.
Frequent hand washing for 20 seconds or more with soapy water
Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth
Stay home when you are sick and avoid contact with people who are sick
Cover mouth/nose with tissue or sleeve when coughing or sneezing
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
How to Prepare
Keep adequate supply of water, food, medications and pet food in your home to prepare to stay at home for quarantine or isolation for 14 days if you become sick or are exposed to someone who is sick.
Talk to caregivers about backup plans if a primary caregiver becomes
Prepare with immediate family to discuss possible needs if someone gets sick.
Keep Informed
Stay up to date by utilizing trusted sources of information including:
Center for Disease Control (CDC):
Ohio Department of Health (ODH):
Public Health Orders issued in Ohio
Follow all Public Health Orders for Stay at Home as described below:
Ohio COVID-19 Reports
Self Quarantine and Isolation Resources
Quick Links for COVID-19 Information
Ohio Department of Health (ODH)
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Ohio Department of Health Resources
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions
COVID-19 Posters and Signs (multi language)
Center for Disease Control and Prevention Resources for COVID-19
CDC - Covid Data Tracker
CDC – How to make a face covering or mask