Dental Sealant Program
Lawrence County Health Department has been providing quality Dental Sealants to the teeth of Lawrence County students since 2011 through grants from the Ohio Department of Health. All 7 of the public school districts in the county participate in this program. We have a highly qualified staff that provides the services. Rhonda Cahal is our dental hygienist with more than 25 years of experience, and Cindy Phipps is her dental assistant. The children that are targeted are 2nd and 6th graders because new teeth are erupting around these ages. Follow-up grades are 3rd and 7th which are used to catch any students that were not checked the year before and to assure the sealants that were applied the year before are still intact. Parents/guardians must fill out a Consent Form for their child to receive the sealants. These forms are sent home at the beginning of the school year and if not returned, again when the Sealant Team will actually be at their school.
This program has been shown to be the best school-based approach for preventing cavities. Children with tooth decay can have problems with attention during class and absenteeism. Dental sealants are easy to apply, pain free, and only take a few minutes. First, the tooth is cleaned, then the sealant is placed onto the chewing surface where it will harden. Dental sealants will help prevent cavities and should protect the teeth for many years.
If you have any questions please call the Health Department at 740-532-3962, M-F 8 am-4 pm.